Can digital campaigns help preserve nature and wildlife?
June 25, 2023

On this year’s World Wildlife Day, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) launched a #WorldWithoutNature digital campaign, uniting some of the world’s most popular brands to protest against the destruction of the world without nature.

As part of the campaign, brands, civil society organizations and sports associations around the world will remove nature’s images from their trademarks on websites and digital platforms. Thus, they will also spread awareness on loss of nature and biodiversity by public alerting to take a good look at the famous logo, which only one day will be without recognizable images of wild animals and nature. 

This year, some of the world’s most popular brands, both globally and in our region, participate in the campaign, including the popular language learning app Duolingo. As the voice of sports associations around the world becomes louder against climate change and the loss of nature, many teams, like Aston Villa Football Club, are continuing that trend through this campaign.

The digital campaign should reduce the loss of wild species

In October 2022, WWF published its latest State of the Planet Report. This report shows that there has been a 69% decline in wildlife populations over a period of about fifty years.

WWF warns that continued overexploitation of wild species and the destruction of their habitats lead to the loss of wild species, which greatly affects social and economic risks, that is, catastrophic consequences for the planet.

After that, the world committed to stop and reversing the loss of nature by 2030 as part of the Global Compact on Biological Diversity, adopted by 196 countries in December 2022 at COP15 – an agreement WWF encourages governments, businesses and financial institutions to implement it.

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