If we want cleaner air, “on bicycle” initiative should come to life in more cities
June 25, 2023

“Gevgelija on bicycle” event this year was organized again. The event aims to bring back the old extinct tradition of bicycle races. This tradition was very popular 40 years ago. The citizens’ association Change Makers 4 all revived this tradition three years ago. In 2020, this kind of event was organized again, and that organization has existed for three years.

Due to the circumstances and conditions during the pandemic, the first year, a relay bicycle ride was organized through the streets of Gevgelija. The following year, the event had gathered more than 400 participants. Before and after the event, we had a great friendship with the youngest participants, which makes us especially happy. The youngest participant was 5 years old,” says Marina Tomova, president of the “Change Makers 4 all” association.

The goal is to increase the initiative “on bicycle” that first started in Skopje, and the goal is to encourage cycling for cleaner air throughout the country.

Марина Томова                               Marina Tomova

In addition to the idea of restoring the extinct tradition, this event also aims to raise the awareness of the citizens that for short travels they should not use a vehicle that pollutes the environment.

“By organizing such events, we realized that people miss this kind of friendship. We are here to continue making positive changes and connecting people,” says the people from the association.

"on bicycle"

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