COP 26 – Leaders from Glasgow meeting with a promise to prevent forest destruction
June 19, 2022

The United Nations Climate Change that takes place in Glasgow is already labeled as crucial, historical, as a last attempt to save the planet and to raise the awareness in the countries worldwide, if worst scenarios related to the survival of the humanity are to be avoided. To avoid those scenarios, one of the most important target of Glasgow Conference is to reach an agreement to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees in respect to the pre-industrial period, highlighting that the forests and “nature based solutions” will be vital for achieving set target. In that manner, large part of the Summit was given to efforts for forests’ preservation, receiving promise from over 100 world leaders that by the end of this decade all trends of forest destruction and soil degradation will stop. To make sure give promises are implemented, the world leaders announced that these actions will be financially supported with $19 bln., public and private funding.


Reuters reports that this Glasgow Summit significantly deepens common determination, previously announced by 40 countries from the Forest Declaration in New York in 2014 and goes beyond any other former declaration in determining the resources for achieving that target.


(more on this issue: Децата што сега се раѓаат ќе преживеат многу повеќе екстремни климатски катастрофи in Macedonian)

In accordance to the agreement, 12 countries had committed to provide $12 bln. public funding for the developing countries between 2021-2025 , as an effort to the activities of soil remediation and fighting forest fires.

At least additional $6 bln. will be provided from over 30 private sector investors, including companies Aviva, Schroeders and AXA.

The investors, who manage capital worth $8,7 mln., had also committed that by 2025 they stop investing in activities related to forest destruction, as well as beef production and obtaining oil from palm, soybeans and pulp.


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