November 16, 2023

According to the air quality training plan, Goce Delchev University in Shtip hosted the first of a series of training sessions titled “Preparation of an Ambient Air Quality Plan” on November 16, 2023. Representatives from the municipalities of Kavadarci, Struga, Kumanovo, Gostivar, and Strumica, as well as the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, the United Nations Development Program, the Institute for Sociological, Political, and Legal Research of the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, and Goce Delchev University, participated at the training. There were 17 women and 13 men among the 29 participants. The event is organized and moderated by the Center for Climate Change.

The working portion of the training included presentations on the legal regulations for developing the Ambient Air Quality Plan and the municipalities’ responsibilities, as well as guidelines for developing an inventory of polluting substances in the air as a required component of the Ambient Air Quality Plan and identifying (proportioning) sources of air pollution. For the first time, plans for ambient air quality were developed taking gender in consideration.

The agenda and training presentations:


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