Presentation of the results from the Source Apportionment Study for Skopje Urban Area
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High air pollution episodes in most urban areas in North Macedonia fill the headlines in recent years, reinforcing public perception that polluted air is by far most important environmental and health problem that urban population face nowadays. The largest urban areas are often high on the various pollution lists, while capitol Skopje was pointed as most polluted capitol city in Europe (UNEP, 2018)
The Source Apportionment Study for Skopje Agglomeration was preprepared by AMBICON UGD Lab, as a part of the project Tackling Air Pollution in the City of Skopje, implemented by UNDP, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and City of Skopje. The financial support for the project is provided by the Swedish international development cooperation agency (SIDA).
Though at regional and local level significantly different, dominant anthropogenic sources of air pollution usually include large and small-scale combustion, industrial processes, transportation, waste disposal, agriculture and land-use change. Current scientific data available for Skopje agglomeration, point to residential wood combustion as probably most significant air pollution source (FMI & MOEP, 2016; Mirakovski et. al. 2019, Almeida et al. 2020).
More about the sources of pollution you can hear at the hybrid event for “Presentation of the results of the Study on the proportion of air pollutants in the city of Skopje”, which will be held on March 28, 2022 starting at 11:00.

In addition, we provide you with the agenda for the event.

UNDP Agenda 03.2022 ENG Zoom

You can follow the presentation of the results through the Zoom platform at the following link

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